Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome To My Blog!

Hi, I'm Brennda, a PADI Dive Instructor...thanks for checking out my blog! I love, love, love to dive. But even more than that, I love to teach people how to dive. My feeling is that the more people I can get to experience the thrill of the under water world, the more that people will want to preserve it! If you have never witnessed first hand the sleek graceful image of a California Sea Lion zipping through the water or felt the jaw dropping, adrenaline rush of seeing a Great Hammerhead disappearing into the blue, then why would you ever want to help save it? I can tell you from experience, once you do see something that only a handful of people in the world have seen, you will be hooked! Not only to dive, but to help conserve!

Introducing Sage....My Blue Mountain Dingo Diving Buddy! Sage is my 3 year old pup who I rescued from the SPCA when she was just 3 months old. In her young life, she has been to the ocean more than most adults, and on any given weekend, you might see her down in Monterey helping me teach a class. If you happen to see Sage, stop by and say hi, she loves meeting new fellow divers!